Knowledge Center | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center | Koch Agronomic Services
A Solution for Fall Nitrogen Applications
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, CANADA
We know the value fall nitrogen applications can offer a grower. Between alleviating some of the workload pressure and helping ensure a timely planting in the spring, fall applications operationally make sense for a grower.
Much like spring nitrogen applications though, the nitrogen applied in the fall can be just a susceptible to nitrogen loss. When thinking about fall applications, a nitrogen stabilizer needs to be included in your plan to help ensure you’re maximizing your fertilizer inputs.
The Importance of a Urease Inhibitor in the Fall

Whether your nitrogen source is urea or UAN, nitrogen loss can be a serious issue – up to 40% of applied nitrogen can be lost via volatilization. 

What is Ammonia Volatilization? Volatilization is an above-ground nitrogen loss mechanism and occurs when the urease enzyme breaks the urea molecule into ammonia gas, which is a process called urea hydrolysis. 

There are some misconceptions when it comes to applying nitrogen in the fall and that those applications are inherently protected from loss because of the cool temperatures that generally follow harvest when fertilizer is applied. 

The truth is hydrolysis is a chemical reaction, meaning it is not dependent on temperature and research has proven the reaction can occur even in freezing temperatures. This means it’s critical to protect fall-applied nitrogen to ensure it’s available come spring. 

ANVOL® Nitrogen Stabilizer

To protect against, volatilization losses, it’s recommended to utilize a urease inhibitor which are designed to slow the hydrolysis process. Using a urease inhibitor, not only protects against volatilization losses but also aligns with the 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework. 

ANVOL® nitrogen stabilizer delivers the longest lasting protection against ammonia volatilization in urea and UAN. With dual-active ingredients, including the Koch-patented Duromide technology, ANVOL offers improved handling and extended protection compared to nitrogen treated with NBPT only.

With ANVOL, growers benefit from a rapid inhibition response (kick-start effect of NBPT) and extended protection as a result of active ingredient Duromide. ANVOL increases the window of inhibition by up to 27% compared to NBPT alone.1


While ANVOL can help you reach your yield goals, ANVOL also lends to helping improve operational efficiencies. ANVOL features high active ingredient concentration that enables a low application rate, while also providing the agronomically effective levels of proven active ingredients to protect your nitrogen and investment. 

Make a plan to protect your nitrogen this fall with ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer. To learn more about ANVOL or how to get the most out of your fertilizer investment contact a KAS representative today. 

1The underlying data was provided by 1Virginia Tech and adapted from volatilization measurements made by Hunter Frame, VA Tech (2016) under Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither the university, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service.

Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, CANADA
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